Glen-L History Photo #2

Glen-L History Photo #2

Posted by Gayle Brantuk on Dec 9th 2011

1950's Draft Room--Click photo to enlarge


This is where the magic happens! This is our drafting room where all of our boat designs have been created. Glen is in the foreground of the photo using the drafting table that he made himself. It had a radio built into it and lots of handy drawers.  Jack Rouse is on the other draft table. Jack worked on the Albert E and Islander.


The lady on the left is Phyllis Kasenburg who was one of our very first office staff. Phyllis is still a friend of ours and visited Glen about a month ago. My mother and Phyllis were very close and I grew up with her oldest son Kary.


This is still the drafting room we use, but the window is gone because we added a room behind this one where we blueprint. This is also where our epoxy, supplies, fiberglass cloth and hardware are stored ready to be shipped out to you. Below is our current drafting room.


Today's drafing room

 The table at the right is the same one in the old photo. When Ken Hankinson worked with us, he used the flat table in the back and Glen still used his table. These days, Glen uses the flat table almost exclusively. And yes, he's still designing! We are currently working on the finishing touches on another mahogany runabout. More to come on that later...

Glen writes a lot on the computer at the back left. The large 2-door cabinets on the left house all of Glen's reference books as well as photos and high 8 tapes (remember those?)  that were taken in our shop to develop all of the DVD's we have today. There are also binders with design notes on our boats.

The cabinets in front of those with the skinny horizontal drawers are where all the study plans, oversize instructions, original artwork and ad stuff is kept.

Now you know! Watch for next week's history photo...